Indiegogo Survey FAQ
The value for the IndieGoGo campaign that uses PledgeBox as pledge manager: Tracking info sending for free, Verify Shipping Destination, Shipping difference/Tax collection, and Upsell More.
The value for the IndieGoGo campaign that uses PledgeBox as pledge manager: Tracking info sending for free, Verify Shipping Destination, Shipping difference/Tax collection, and Upsell More.
There is a 10-day refund window for Indiegogo’s refund policy, please "Locked" Indiegogo orders before sending the survey in PledgeBox.
After sending out the survey, PledgeBox will update the new orders constantly for THREE MONTHS and send a reminder email to new backers automatically starting at 7am PDT every Monday.
Backers can complete the surveys by logging into PledgeBox.
Please wait for one hour after locked the order on Indiegogo, the orders list will be updated one hour later.
The campaign does not set any video cover/main image, please update the new image on Indiegogo, the system will update automatically after one hour.