Navigating the Mid-Campaign Doldrums: A Kickstarter Creator's Guide

Get ready for the Kickstarter Slump.

Cosma Zhang

December 26, 2023

Kickstarting a dream project is like setting sail on a vast ocean of potential. The commencement of your journey is met with fanfare and the wind filling your sails, powered by the support of friends, family, and the buzz of early adopters. But as you venture forth, the waters often become calm, leaving many a campaign adrift in what's colloquially known as the "Kickstarter Slump." This guide aims to equip Kickstarter creators with strategies to navigate through this mid-campaign lull and emerge victorious on the other side.

The first wave of support for your Kickstarter project can be intoxicating. Yet, this initial burst is just that—a momentary surge that must be harnessed for sustained momentum.

Strategic Analysis 

Pause and take stock. Which rewards sparked the most interest? Gather insights from your backers’ feedback and adjust your pitch. Maybe it’s time to shine a light on less popular tiers or introduce a new reward to re-energize your base.

Stoke the Media Fires

Consider a strategic news embargo. Find journalists willing to hold off on sharing your story until you hit the mid-campaign mark. This can infuse fresh energy just when it's needed most, though be wary of the risks—if the winds change, so too might media interest.

Bloggers Revisited

Bloggers are your beacons; they guide the curious to your cause. If you’ve gathered steam and interest, re-engage with them. Share your progress and tangible achievements—let the authenticity of your journey speak through the voices of your supporters.

Delegate and Diversify

Avoid creative exhaustion by distributing responsibilities within your team. Keep a meticulous log of your trail, ensuring that every step is a step forward and not a retread over well-worn paths.

Community Engagement

Your backers are more than supporters—they are the bedrock of your project. Communicate regularly, not merely as updates but as spotlights, celebrations of their contributions. Invite them into the creative sanctum with hashtags, polls, and discussions, fostering a collective campaign ownership.

Catalyze Connectivity

Leverage the power of social media events. A Facebook gathering, virtual or otherwise, transforms passive observers into active participants. The cost of social camaraderie is minimal compared to the value of a single pledge, of a single advocate for your dream.


The mid-campaign period need not be a slump but a strategic pivot—a deep breath before a sustained exhalation. The success of a Kickstarter campaign is often forged in the quiet midpoints, where the clamor fades and true engagement is nurtured. By analyzing, engaging, and innovating, you create not just momentum but a community—a collective force propelling you forward to Kickstarter triumph.

A campaign is more than just a means to an end—it's an adventure, one that, when navigated wisely, is transformative both for the creator and the backers who believe in the journey.