Release Update: November 15, 2019

Function improvement and bug fixed.


November 15, 2019

Products Interface Improvements
  • Add-on column added. Creator can now choose whether a certain product can be added as an add-on or not.
  • Price of add-ons doesn’t allow to be set as 0.

Add-on Setting Improvements
  • Price of add-ons is now modified to retain two decimal places by default.

  • Backers can now get more information about add-ons in Learn More page.

Shipping Setting Improvements
  • Creators can now hide add-ons from appearing to backers from a specific region via deleting Everywhere Else option.
  • When backers from specific region are not in the add-on list, they will not see the add-ons.

  • Creators can now set order status as locked, unlocked or shipped to manage the order more conveniently.

Reward Add-on Setting Improvement
  • Reward add-on available. Creator can now set reward add-on for specific backers to distinguish between different rewards.

Any Other Improvements
  • Fixed other issues to promote the performance.