Release Update: 2021 May System Update
About Survey Setting / Backer FAQ / Hide Product / KS Add-on Price & Shipping Fee / Reward Shipping Fee / PledgeBox Add-on Refund / Download Center Update / Pre-order UpdateSumup Invoice
About Survey Setting / Backer FAQ / Hide Product / KS Add-on Price & Shipping Fee / Reward Shipping Fee / PledgeBox Add-on Refund / Download Center Update / Pre-order UpdateSumup Invoice
Success is never ending, and at PledgeBox we can always let your success level up. How?
As a pledge manager, our team is committed to continually enhancing and evolving our product to help you organise your orders, boost fundings from upsell, and fulfill the shipping and delivery process so that you don’t need to worry about them any more. In our newest release, we featured Hide Positive Credit setting, added Backer FAQ section, and optimised the add-ons refund process. See below for more details.
Hide Positive Credit
Usually there are backers who paid more than the reward price. The extra payment on Kickstarter will be allocated to the backers as a positive credit and backers can use it to purchase add-ons. If you want to hide the positive credit for all backers, select the checkbox and save.
Maximal Shipping Fee (Add-on)
In some scenarios, you may wish to set up a maximum shipping fee to override the actual shipping calculation if the actual fee is greater than the price you’ve defined. If you want to enable this function, select the checkbox and enter a designated number.
Do not send survey to backers failed to pay on Kickstarter
Disable Add-on Auto Display (Disable "Best Seller" Badge)
By default, the add-on list will be sorted by the quantities backers buy. If you disable the option, the Add-on list will keep the sequence as you set up.
Frequently asked questions is a central place for your backers to find some specific answers they need. It could be one of the best ways to help them complete the survey.
Can’t edit a product which is associated with an order after the Survey has been sent out?
Hide button will allow you to hide a product from the backer in the survey page
The sold out product will be hidden by default. If you have more batches to sell, copy the sold out product as a new one so that it will be available on the product list for backers.
The price and shipping fee for the imported KS add-ons cannot be changed. However, if you want to upsell more during the survey, you can set the KS add-on as a PledgeBox add-on, in which you can set a new price and shipping fee for backers. The changes on PB add-ons will not apply to its original KS add-ons info.
Original Shipping Fee:
The reward shipping fee imported from Kickstarter
Final Shipping Fee:
You can change and replace the original reward shipping fee if needed. The shipping fee on all orders will consist with the final shipping fee.
This enables you to refund money to your backers for their PledgeBox add-ons payments within the PledgeBox; please note that you need to go to Kickstarter for the Kickstarter add-ons refund.
You can copy bundle as product
Our service fee is transparent, and now you are able to review and download your payments sum-up by one click